He had a full beard, blue eyes, and a kind smile.
"Hey there! You can toss your pack in the back seat. Hop in!"
"Hey! Thanks! I'm Dan."
"I'm Kat."
The only reason I had been driving on the 101 North was because the 5 was jam-packed smog and tires and break-lights. At least the 101 had an ocean view.
Dan was from Pennsylvania, educated in New Jersey, and had hitched his way across the country. He had just started his most recent journey from Ocean Beach, from a friend's house. He was headed to San Francisco to visit other friends. Like many people I know, he had just finished college with a degree in Business. After college he had travelled to Australia to "find himself," but only managed to find that he liked to travel.
"Too many people feel tied down to their jobs and their homes. It's so cool that you are just out there, traveling," I said.
"I know. That is one of the most frequent things I've heard from people who pick me up; they wish that they could do what I am doing. I tell them that they can--it's just a matter of priorities."
It is encouraging to meet people like Dan. I am reminded that there are still very good people in this world who have not bought into the contrived social norms of the day. I am encouraged because Dan reminded me that I am not alone.