Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mornings with Mom

Woke up early to meet Mom in Julian. I am fighting off a sore throat. Needed cough drops and EmergenC.
Mornings are made of peace here.
I drive down the road snapping shots out my open window. It smells like it wants to rain.

Mom has an entire care package for me; I'm 24 and I still could not survive without my mom. This makes me smile because I am trying to get back in touch with my childhood.

It's working.

Apple boysenberry crumb crust pie. Apple cider. It's for the other interns and other friends at Camp. I see my boss in town, then again at work. We joke about me "shadowing too closely."

I help the kids with rock craft today. Take a ragged stone, turn it into a gem: this is not an easy task for impatient children. But they manage. They succeed. They smile.

My staff has become something of a sacred thing to carry. I normally let the quietest, the nicest, and the shiest kid carry it as we hike. The red tailed hawk feathers twirl on the wind at the end of the staff. It seems to enable children to fly.

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